Posts for: #Development



Satellite data collection without a permanent antenna requires some planning. I usually find when the best passes are for the week, and see if I have free time in my schedule to run out and collect data. Programs like gPredict and websites like, or apps like Heavens Above can use TLE data to calculate when the satellites are going to pass overhead.

TLE or Two Line Element data is a format for describing the orbits of satellites. NASA and NORAD developed a data format in the 70s to describe the orbits of satellites that can fit on a punch card. Long gone are punch cards, but the TLE format is still used today.

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Nvim Search

Nvim Search

Some quick tips on searching in nvim.

To search for a word in the current file:


Uses regex to search for the word in the current file. Use ’n’ to go to the next instance of the word, and ‘N’ to go to the previous.

To search for the word selected in visual mode, press * or #. This will search for the word under the cursor.

Now to find and replace, the %s command is used. For example:

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Contact page

I added a contact page to my blog. This page allows a reader to send me a message. Check it out here.

I used formsubmit to handle the backend of spam protection and anonimity. I used the boiler plate code from the website. First run locally on your development machine with your real email address. Send a test message through the form to get your API key. Then replace your real email address with the API key, and you are done!

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nvim Markdown

nvim Markdown

Spell checking

To enable spell checking in vim, use the command set spell. This will highlight misspelled words in your markdown files.

To enable spell checking:

:set spell
:set spelllang=en_us

Spelling suggestions can be accessed with z=. This will open a window with suggestions for the misspelled word.

If you want to add a word to your dictionary, use the command zg.

Or to manually add a word to your dictionary:

:spellgood YOUR_WORD

Line wrapping

Set your line width to 80 characters. This is a good width for readability and makes it easier to read your markdown files on different devices.

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Selfhost a Blog

Selfhost a Blog

This is a guide on how to selfhost your own blog. It is a step by step guide, or perhaps my own documentation, because this is how I am hosting this blog.

Note: This has no warranty, and I am not responsible for any damages that may occur from following this guide. This is a guide for educational purposes only.

Step 0: Decide to blog

Not a technical step I know, but if you do not currently have writing material to post, perhaps draft some blog titles. Find some topics that you are passionate about, because that will fuel your motivation. It will also help guide the technical and design decisions you will make in will designing your blog.

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